"Scream it out! Energy in motion"
OOOOHHHHHHH YEAH!!!!! That felt good. There's nothing quite like a good old, deep belly, open throated, back bending, heart opening scream! Last month I attended Slamalamadingdong as one of the Dancing Eros dancers where we danced the archetype of the Wild Woman! We danced, we growled, we scratched, we screamed! And it was oh so therapeutic and oh so grounding! It was wonderful to be in full presence and full power and for the first time in front of a group of people which has never been done before!
In the past the only people who have been witness to women dancing the Wild Woman have been in the Dancing Eros rituals which are held each time a group of women have completed the 6 week course. Each women has the opportunity to invite 1 person to come to the ritual as a witness, so the number of people who have seen this is quite small, maybe a few hundred in the space of 2 years!
Well last month there was at least a hundred people in one go! Plus the month before we danced the Priestess which is another of the archetypes, in front of another few hundred people. Dancing eros is very very powerful work and any woman who is interested in finding out more certianly should! Visit dancingeros.com or send me a message to find out more. I reccomend it to all my female friends as a very empowering deeply connected concious course.
What are you doing for yourself to allow your inner Wild Woman come out? Do you thrash it out in the gym or sing your heart out in the car to move the energy?
Leave me a comment to let me know what it is that you like to do to get your energy in motion - emotions - to move through you!
Till next time
Love, Honour, Health & Happiness to you.