How To Make People Like You More in 7 Simple Steps...And Still Be Yourself
Coming from a family of 7 where being liked meant the difference between a great night or tantrums and tears, Kara Towner, the Director...
"Scream it out! Energy in motion"
OOOOHHHHHHH YEAH!!!!! That felt good. There's nothing quite like a good old, deep belly, open throated, back bending, heart opening...
"Zen Master in the Midst of Disaster"
Oh my god...sometimes I wonder what I have gotten myself in for. I mean there are a lot easier ways to earn an income than starting your...
" want me to KEEP CALM!!!"
" want me to KEEP CALM!!!" Have you ever had someone tell you to keep calm in a time where you are obviously, well not calm?...
"Receiving is your gift to the giver..."
Have you ever given somebody a gift and have them say I can't accept that? Have you ever offered somebody a helping hand and heard them...
"If you're alone, are you alone?"
The past 2 weeks I have been away house sitting for a friend. My partner stayed at our house which was only a 15 minute walk away. It was...
"Version one is better than version none!"
Well isn't that the can see below my very first ever You Tube video! You will see that there is some weird stuff going on...
"Be Yourself to Free Yourself"
Be Yourself to Free Yourself, It’s so simple...yet so elusive. Why do we be anything but what we are supposed to be? Why do we make...