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Corporate, Tailored Coaching & Workshops

Team building, Presentation Skills, You Name it...

If in house face to face workshops are what you are looking for to help your team with any of the following, contact me and we will discuss your specific requirements:

  • - Team Building

  • - Presentation Skills

  • - Public Speaking Coaching

  • - Networking Skills

  • - Confidence Building

  • - Communication Skills

Discovery Session

Private 60 minute session

In this one on one coaching you will leave with an understanding of:

  • - What goals you want to achieve 

  • - What's required to achieve your goals

  • - What's stopping you from achieving them

  • - How to ask yourself what you need and get answers fast

  • - All from the comfort of your own home via skype, google hangout or phone

    That's a lot to achieve in 60 minutes I hear you in and I'll show you how!


Only $75

100% Money Back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied!

Elite Package - I want it all

8 Week 1 on 1 Transformation Course

  • Weekly 60 minute 1 on 1 coaching where we delve into goals specific to you and work towards achieving them, identifying blocks, reasons for nerves and reframing things that hold you back so that you can present or speak in public with grace and ease – and you will even learn to enjoy it!

  • Additional 15 minutes of vital ccountability coaching each week making each session 75 minutes in total to make sure you are on track to achieve your goals.

  • Personal video analysis where you put all your newly learned knowledge and skills into practice and send to me for a video analysis feedback on what works great and any areas for improvement

  • Elite Accelerated Learning Package:

- 3 weekly promises for practice where you are set tasks specifically designed for you that will help accelerate your learning’s from our sessions

- Weekly resources and reading materials that I hand pick especially for you to accelerate your success

- Unlimited email support where you can ask any questions you like or talk about challenges you face


Only $1295 for two months of weekly personal coaching

Still Searching

What you're looking for isn't here...

Contact me to discuss what you are looking for and if it is something I can assist with I'll be sure to let you know!

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